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Sunday, April 18, 2010

How You Can Save 20%-70% A Month On Your Energy Bill

Making the switch to environmentally-friendly Greener Options products is as easy as shopping at your local hardware or Big Box Retailer. Greener Options helps you make the right product choices for the environment and your world. Look for logo’s on products that reduce the impact on the environment by promoting energy and water conservation and improving air quality. With hundreds of items available, your ability to make a difference starts today.

Tips & Advice for Environmentally-Friendly Living

Switch to CFL Light Bulbs (Compact Flourescent Light Bulbs)
Save Energy and Lower Your Electric Bill
Consider switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). You’ll lower your electric bill and pay less in the long run since CFLs last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs. To save even more on lighting, install dimmer switches and use timers, both indoors and out. Keep in mind the times of the year that you are not home and set your lights accordingly. Timers will reduce your consumption and keep your lights from burning throughout the entire night.

STOP FEEDING YOUR APPLIANCES. A 50-watt stereo, for example, burns 18 watts per hour, even when the music's off. Instead, plug electronics into a power strip, and then flip the off switch when you're not using your appliances.

DO WITH LESS HEAT. For every 10-degree temperature reduction, you use 5 percent less energy a month. Insulate your hot water tank to save more.

Consider a front-loading washing machine. They use 50 percent less energy and one-third less water. Plus, they remove far more water in the rinse cycle, and that translates into big savings in dryer time.

Switch to Low-Flow Showerheads
Conserve Water While Lowering Your Water Bill
Install water efficient showerheads. With the new low-flow models now available, a family of four can cut water usage by as much as 280 gallons a month—and with an Oxygenics showerhead you will not feel the difference of a whimpy shower. The Oxygen that is infused by the Venturi principle will actually increase water pressure.

Fertilize the All-Natural Way
Preserve the Earth Without Using Chemicals
Plants that are chemically fertilized may look lush, but this type of fertilizing promotes plants that are more susceptible to disease. Chemicals from the fertilizer infuse the soil and, ultimately, contaminate our water supply. Using an all-natural fertilizer balances the pH of the soil, is environmentally safe and not harmful to animals, plants or you.

Breathe Easier with Low-VOC (Volitile Organic Compounds) Paint
What Goes on Your Walls can Stay on Your Walls for Years
According to Environment Canada,  indoor air is considered to be one of the top five hazards to human health. Traditional household paint contains toxins that can still be released into the air years after application. Use low-VOC products for better indoor air quality.

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